Sunday passed in a bit of blur as I was stuck to the PC all day. Emily and Jon had fun playing lots and lots of top trumps, Treason in the Tower and various other board games, and Emily neopet-ed. A lot.
This morning she and Jon hot footed it downstairs bright and early for a mammoth craft session. They been blowing eggs and tie dyeing them - you can't really see from the picture, but they came out beautifully!
They've also been busy cutting out a pattern and starting to sew a peg bag as an Easter present for Nana (ssshhh!) which seems to be going rather well - although I was called downstairs at one point to fix the sewing machine. Ha! Those two years of torture aka needlework O level finally came in handy after all these years!
They're also half way through making boy and girl bunnies from clothes pegs and a big felt bunny too. And if that wasn't enough arty crafty stuff for the day, my hubby and daughter are now out at their art class.
I meanwhile, have spent the whole day attached to the PC, again, still resolutely trying to get our stock listed in the new online store. Blimey it's slow progress, that one. Hadn't banked on it being *this* time consuming. I did get a break to do some yoga with Emily, though. She's getting very impressive at that, and mastered rocking in bow pose today. Speaking of exercise, I've finally made it back onto the exercise bike for the last four days, doing roughly 8 miles a day. I've been playing with our blood pressure monitor too, and was pleasantly surprised to discover that despite my weight and extremely high salt intake, my blood pressure is still below average, coming in at around 105/70 or thereabouts, four days running. I do have a craving for salt, though. I add salt to virtually everything savoury I eat, even crisps or a hunk of cheese or bread and butter. Have done for as long as I can remember. I'm sure it may well be doing me harm in ways other than blood pressure, but perhaps I'm short of some mineral in my blood - don't know. Shall have to investigate.
Sleep adaptations for the autistic family
4 months ago
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