One day soon, I'll get to stay at home all day. Perhaps.
The last few days in particular we've all been rushing about like madly rushing about things. Some of it has been for pleasant reasons and some of it less so - but a break would be good before I forget what the wallpaper looks like!
Monday started early with an opticians appointment for Grandad; back home in time to clear a path from the front door to the stairs in time for Emily's friend Kate and her Mum to arrive. Emily and Kate had a fabulous time, played together as if they've been friends for a lifetime not just a few weeks. Margaret and I had rather a nice time too :-)) Jon cooked us all a scrummy tea and the girls wore out Emily's dressing up collection.....
Tuesday morning was another early start for Grandad's blood test; back home to pick up Emily and scour the town for a new party dress as she's completely outgrown just about every dress she has. She wanted a long black ball gown type thing. Obviously she's in a minority there, since no such thing for girls her age/size was to be found. Found one short and incredibly small black thing in Tescos which she hated, so that was no go. Found more pink than you could shake a stick at, which was definitely no go. Eventually, Emily settled on a long, floaty maroon dress. Black it wasn't, but as she put it, at least it was long and NOT PINK.
Back from the shopping expedition in time to dash out again to yoga. Their teacher Rachel was 15 minutes late for the lesson which left me as the only adult in the building with 10 rather high spirited girls aged from 7-13. That was fun. All the other parents had just dropped the kids off outside the building so I was just contemplating what on earth to do with them for an hour before the parents returned when Rachel arrived, much to my relief!
Wednesday Emily and I actually got to do some work! For the first time in what feels like ages! Emily did lots of spelling and fraction work and also carried on with her Romans project, looking at reasons for the Roman invastion and finding out about Boudicca's revolt. It was Jon's turn to be on Grandad duty; dentist appointment this time.
This morning Jon and Emily went off to tai chi and I took Grandad back to the doctors again for another appointment; they'd asked to see him because the diabetes clinic had written to his GP about his blood pressure being high....GP said his BP was fine and that they weren't going to do anything about it after all. OK, so that was a worthwhile trip then. Mind you, the GP did ask Grandad some screening questions about depression, which is apparently extremely common in diabetes sufferers. Grandad promptly denied having any of the symptoms of depression whatsoever, ever, anyhow, anywhere, anytime. Cue my somewhat astonished intervention, trying to point out that he actually exhibits ALL the classic symptoms of depression nearly ALL the time. I could see from the GP's expression that he was rather more inclined to believe my version of events than Grandad's, but of course if Grandad denies there's a problem there's not much they can do. Honestly, I despair sometimes.
On a happier note, this afternoon we were off out again, this time to ballet/tap, where Emily had a fab time playing with Kate and was very chuffed to learn that she's now officially Grade 1 Ballet instead of primary.
Tomorrow, it's more in out in out; Jon has to take Grandad shopping at the crack of dawn, then we've got the big cats to take to the vets, then out again to pick up part of the prescription which wasn't ready today, and then out again to pick up Grandad's glasses.
Jon has been working his socks off. Emily has been a delightful angel. And I've got 10 commissions to write within the next 10 days. I daresay life will calm down soon.
Sleep adaptations for the autistic family
5 months ago
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