It was National Archaeology Day today, so we trotted off to Scunthorpe Museum this morning, and had a fab time looking at some artefacts (Emily was particularly impressed by the Tudor shoe buckle), doing brass rubbings of various Tudor-ly attired ladies and using sticky bits of paper to fill in an enormous copy of a locallly found mosaic. We had hoped to bump into Romy and Colin there, but we missed them - saw their car in the car park as we were leaving, but couldn't see them in the musuem.
There was hardly anyone there - as usual; hope they had a few more interested faces after we left or that mosaic copy was going to look pretty unloved and sorry for itself by the end of the day! A chat with the finds officer has inspired us to get back to digging in the garden....last autumn especially, Emily found loads of bits of clay pipes and pottery - we had assumed it was all fairly modern stuff, but it was identical to some of the bits and pieces they were displaying as medieval, so.... watch out Time Team Tone, here we come!
Back at home Emily followed a recipe for cherry and raisin scones all by herself, and they're certainly scrummy. With it being another scorchingly hot day, it's then been paddling pool, paddling pool and more paddling pool for the rest of the afternoon.
A post on one of the newsgroups this morning led me to the rather happy discovery that the Shakespeare 4 Kids/ company is doing a tour of Romeo & Juliet over the next 6 months, and they'll be at the Grimsby Auditorium at the end of January - will definitely book tickets for that.
So: Emily and Jon are still out in the garden, and I'm in my normal weekend plodding away at the keyboard "do I really have to do this???" mode working on a particular set of weekly deadlines. I'm heartily fed up with it, if truth be told, but it's an awful lot of money to turn your back on, so....plod, plod, plod it is!
Sleep adaptations for the autistic family
5 months ago
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