Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Summer Splashes

Wow, what a scorcher! When I got up this morning it was drizzling, overcast and approx 15 degrees.......which although "interesting" as weather goes didn't delight me because we'd planned today for Hazel and Romy to come over for a paddling pool play. However, the weather decided to behave itself just in the nick of time, and by lunchtime it had turned into a cloudless blue sky and a temperature of over 25 in the shade. So, paddling pool it was! Emily and Romy had fun doing some hand and foot painting too - the resulting rainbow coloured lawn is certainly pretty, but I don't think the birds quite know what to make of it!

Emily made us laugh this evening - in an issue of DK Find Out Magazine there was a 'guess who this famous person is' type thing, and the famous person was Elizabeth I. Emily had been reading it, and came marching up to us most indigant to point out that they'd made an "enormous mistake" - they'd listed as one of the clues the fact that "this person had a famous half-sister too, who was Mary Queen of Scots". Oooops. No, she didn't. She had a famous half-sister who was Mary I of England...... it tickled us that Emily'd been so fast to spot that, and so 'how could they possibly get that wrong????' about it!

On a slightly more alarming note: a miscellaneous cartoon came on the TV later on, while Emily was in her bedroom. In the cartoon, someone was singing one of those 'na na na-na-nah' type playground songs...which immediately prompted Emily to rush out of her bedroom distressed - for some reason, she'd heard the noise, hadn't realised it was from the TV....and had automatically assumed that there were some kids standing outside on the pavement singing it about her :-(((((( Which probably means that she must have had that kind of thing sung at her at least once while she was in that marvellous social haven called school; why else would she jump to such a sad conclusion? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Still. We had a lovely afternoon, and the days of running the school gauntlet are receding ever further away into the past. Our little one's happy now, and she's gonna stay that way!!

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