Nothing like copying the idea from other blogs :-)
5 Personal Goals for 2006 (for me, Jon's are different)
Lose at least a stone every two months and use exercise bike regularly.
Redecorate our bedroom and clear it out, turn it into somewhere nice to be instead of the hell hole it currently is.
Clear clutter through a combination of ebay, charity shops and bin.
Say "yes" more often to Emily and Jon.
Say "no" more often to everyone else.
5 Work Goals for 2006 (again, for me, Jon's are focused differently)
Actively seek more writing contracts instead of waiting for them to fall into our laps.
Change online shop software, get a fresh stand-alone domain and revamp the shop category by category, line by line.
Switch the answerphone off and make more effort to deal with those endless phone calls, at least a few of which might actually be orders or people we want to talk to, as opposed salesmen and people expecting the impossible.
Investigate new ideas such as fairy letters and the zodiac fairy.
Consider going back to doing personal, face to face astrology consultations.
5 Home Ed Goals for 2006
Be more structured (albeit in a loose, unstructured kinda way....) so we cover some history, geography, science, music and art every week as well as the standard English and maths. Give the topic based approach a miss for a while unless a new burning passion emerges which has to have our full attention.
More physical activity of one kind or another. Yoga classes. Gymnastics in the garden.
Get up earlier :-)) having thought through the day before what we're actually getting up earlier for. Better planning and time management, in other words.
Make better use of the library and less use of our wholesale book accounts....
Encourage fiction reading without discouraging the avid non-fiction reader we have.
Sleep adaptations for the autistic family
5 months ago
1 comment:
I love your say yes more often to your family and no more often to other people !! It's brill I'm going to adopt that idea .
Happy New Year :)
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